Ketosis is a metabolic condition in which the body uses fat rather than glucose from carbohydrates as its primary source of energy.

To achieve ketosis, you avoid supplying your body with carbs and sugar. This depletes your glycogen (stored glucose), causing your blood sugar and insulin levels to drop. Your body begins to search for an alternative fuel source (fat), which it then releases and burns for energy.

As a result, keto leads to weight loss.

Ketosis has many advantages due to the decrease in glucose and rise in fat metabolism, one of which is its remarkable ability to cause weight loss. Ketosis is used to treat epilepsy, diabetes, and even cancer in many individuals.

Ketones are produced when your body burns fat. You're not in ketosis if you don't have any ketones. As a result, the sole aim of the ketogenic diet is to aid and facilitate ketone development.